"Destiny is not a matter of CHANCE, It is a matter of CHOICE"

Saturday, December 15, 2007

What a day

I was in and out literally at the store yesterday because we are one of the bidders for the computer lot in St Petersburg. It's was crazy and and nerve-racking because we have no clue how much the others will bid, in other words it's a close bid. I hate it like that it's easy if just raise the hand with the bid. In the past 3 days before the auction we made at least trip to the place. Yesterday i went there 2 times. First was with an employee which drives 130mph on a 65mph limit. We wanted both 1 and 2 lots and we got it. Thank God. I went back with Ray after to pay for it so we can start bring it back to the warehouse. It started to get crazy here now so it's gonna a busy week. Trying to accumulate money for the next BIG stop...i guess

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