"Destiny is not a matter of CHANCE, It is a matter of CHOICE"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

26 on the 26th

Yesterday is my Big day. I don't really like making it a big deal even when I was a kid. I never like to celebrate like have a party or something. I always like to keep it simple. Ray was asking me a week a ago what i want to do on my birthday. If I want to celebrate it on the weekends since it falls on the weekdays. I always said I dunno. He knows I don't want a party. So we just ate at a restaurant and let me pick where. I have been wanting to go to Bahama breeze so this is right time. We went there and I definitely love the place. It right at the little lagoon or bay something like that. Of course I have to open my gift and it was a complete shock! Man, I never saw it coming. I have been joking about it and never in enter in my mind that he will actually get me one but he just surprise the hell out me when I opened it. It was an iphone! He really hid it from me. I absolutely love the phone that I can't wait to use it. I am actually watching videos in you tube with it. So user friendly and I am loving it. Thanks Hunny Bunny for the surprise gift, I love everything about it!

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