"Destiny is not a matter of CHANCE, It is a matter of CHOICE"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I signed up for PPP!

I have been doing my journal online and I have been to quite a few websites and obviously I have learn about what goes with this and what goes with that. In the past months, my friend introduce me to the world of making money on blogging. It's that simple yet I keep up with all the requirements and now I have an approved blog with payperpost. I am so excited because they offer a lot of opportunities that make the blogger happy and of course bring more blogger to do the task but most of all make the advertisers happy and satisfied.
Blogging online is one of hubby nowadays. It's so easy to do since my job is associated with computer and internet. Writing is fun yet you have to observe blog ethics you can't just write whatever and doesn't make any sense at all. Blogging and being in the community has a lot to offer. I made online friends and reading their blogs will definitely know them better. I have heard a lot from my friends that they earn money from just blogging and how good it help them. As a newbie I am looking forward and so excited for this new community of friends all over the world.

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