"Destiny is not a matter of CHANCE, It is a matter of CHOICE"

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shop Shield

I am hearing a lot of bad news in the past months about this identity theft. My dad is one of the victims, someone stole his number and use it to some place, and another is a friend of mine someone stole his identity and use his credit card number in South Florida which really devastating because he never been to South Florida but his credit card number did get charged over there. With all this issues surfacing the internet we need to be protected from those hackers that don't have a heart and they will continue to victimize all of us. I came across this company called Shop Shield where they helps prevent spam, phishing and viruses while managing the login information you need to access your favorite web sites. Plus Shop Shield creates totally random user names and passwords, as well as an anonymous, disposable email address for every web site that asks you to register. That means you are never faced with using the same login information for multiple sites, and you can block unwanted incoming email messages by simply deactivating the disposable address associated with the offending web site. For added protection, every email is forwarded to you through Shop Shield®, and scrubbed for viruses and phishing before arriving in your inbox. We have to be aware of all the shop safety rules for our own good and not to be a victim of fraud and identity theft that don't have a heart!

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